
How C Programming is executed (With Compiling Flowchart)?

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Execution of C-Programming

Creating Source Code:

Computer instructions are composed within a text editor, delineating specific computational tasks.

These instructions adhere rigorously to the prescribed syntax of the programming language in use.

Computer instructions authored in compliance with the C language syntax are denoted as the source code of a C program.

The source code is generated through a variety of text editors, including Notepad or Turbo C,

and is required to be saved with the .c file extension. For instance, designations like I.c, labl.c, and hef.c exemplify valid filenames for C programs.

Compilation and Linking the Program:

Computer instructions, initially represented in source code form,

undergo a transformation into a format amenable for computer execution.

This translation process is executed by a specialized software entity known as a compiler.

The compiler undertakes the task of interpreting programming language statements

and converting them into machine code or binary instructions, intelligible to a computer’s processor.

Compiling, in essence, entails the production of an executable file tailored for a specific computing environment,

whether it pertains to Windows, Linux, or other platforms.

The compiler initiates its operation by sequentially parsing and

analyzing each language statement for syntactic accuracy, effectively scrutinizing the program for syntax errors.

Subsequently, the compiler generates the resultant output,

termed as object code or, in certain contexts, an object module.

The object code consists of machine-level instructions capable of being processed

or executed by the computer’s processor in a stepwise fashion.

Program Execution:

Upon execution, the program activates the loading process,

where the created executable object code is introduced into the computer’s memory space, paving the way for instruction execution.

In the course of program execution, the potential arises for the program to interact with the user.

Interaction often necessitates data input, a procedure commonly facilitated through keyboard entry.

Running of C-Program with flowchart

The flowchart of running a c-programming is given below with an applicable diagram:

executing a c programming, process of compiling and running of a c program by

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