The Program in C to Find Out Simple Interest with Principle,Rate,Time By User is given below:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
float principle, rate, time, simple_interest;
printf("Enter the principle amount: ");
scanf("%f", &principle);
printf("Enter the rate of interest: ");
scanf("%f", &rate);
printf("Enter the time in years: ");
scanf("%f", &time);
simple_interest = (principle * rate * time) / 100;
printf("The Simple Interest on %.2f for %.2f years at %.2f%% rate is: %.2f\n", principle, time, rate, simple_interest);
return 0;
Enter the principle amount: 8999
Enter the rate of interest: 9
Enter the time in years: 7
The Simple Interest on 8999.00 for 7.00 years at 9.00% rate is: 5669.37
This program prompts the user to enter the principle amount, rate of interest, and time in years using scanf() function, it then calculates the simple interest using the formula (principle * rate * time) / 100, and stores the result in the variable ‘simple_interest’.
Finally, it prints the result using printf() function, where I have used %.2f to show the decimal point until 2 decimal places.
You can try different values of principle, rate, time to see if it works fine.
Please note that this program does not check for the validity of the input, you may want to add some validation on the input to make sure that the input is a valid number.
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