1.Introduction to C
1.1: C: History|Why C Programming?
1.2: How C-Program is executed?
1.3: C-Programming: A Basic Structure
1.4: C-Programming: Platforms to Use
2.Introduction to Data Types
2.1: Types of Integer
2.2:Types of Floating Point
2.3:Types of Double-Precision Floating Point Type
2.4:Types of Characters
2.5:Types of Void
3:Introduction to Constants
3.1: Integer Constants
3.2:Character Constants
3.3: Real Constants
3.4: String Constants
4:Introduction to Variables
4.1: Declaration of Variables
4.2:Why Variables Declarations?
5:Introduction to Operators
5.1: An Introduction to Operators
5.2: What are types of Operators?
5.3:Increment and Decrement Operators
5.4:Arithmetic Operators
5.5:Logical Operators
5.6:Relational Operators
5.7:Special Operators
5.8:Bitwise Operators
6:Introduction to Control Statements
6.1: Iterations
6.2: Decision Making Statements
6.3:Switch Statements
6.4:Break and Continue Statements
7:Introduction to I/O Operations
7.1: Data I/O Operations
7.2:What are Formatted Functions?Types?
7.3:What are Un-Formatted Function?Types?
8:Introductions to Functions
8.1:Definition of Function in C
8.2: Why Functions in C?
8.3:Recursive Functions
8.4:What are Components of Function?
8.5:What are different types of Function Calls?
9: Introduction to Arrays
9.1: Definition of Arrays in C
9.2: Why Arrays in C?
9.3: Characteristics of Array
9.4:One-Dimensional Array:Types
9.5:Multi-Dimensional Array:Types
10:Introduction to Strings
10.1: Definition of Strings in C
10.2: Why Strings in C?
10.3:Characteristics of Strings
10.4: How Arrays are Initialized?
10.5: What are Array of Strings?
11:Introduction to Structure
11.1:Definition of Structure in C
11.2:Why Structure in C?
11.3:Characteristics of Structures
11.4: How Structure is Defined?
11.5:How structure is processed?
11.6: Array of Structures
12:Introduction to Union
12.1: Definition of Union in C
12.2: Why Union in C?
12.3: Characteristics of Union
13: Introduction to Pointer
13.1: Definition of Pointer in C
13.2: Why Pointer in C?
13.3:Characteristics of Pointer
13.4: How Pointers are Initialized?
13.5: Null Pointer,Void Pointer,Bad Pointer
13.6: Pointer: Applications?
14:Introduction to Graphics
14: Definitions of Graphics in C
14.2: Why Graphics in C?
14.3: Characteristics of Graphics
14.4:How Graphics are initialized?
14.5:Closing Graphics Mode
15:Introduction to Data Files
15.1: Definition of Data Files in C
15.2: Why Data Files in C?
15.3: Characteristics of Data Files
15.4:How Opening and Closing of Flie is done?
15.5:Binary Data Files
15.6: End of File(EOF)
“Let me walk you through the History of C”
- WAP in C to print the sum of 9+99+999+..n terms
- WAP in C that receives the month & year as integers and prints the calendar
- WAP in C to input two numbers & Print their Sum
- WAP in C to input two numbers and print their average
- WAP in C to calculate the area of a Circle
- WAP in C to print the total seconds in a given time (hrs, min, sec)
- WAP in C to convert temp From F to C, C=(F-32) * 5/9
- WAP in C to SWAP (interchange) two numbers
- WAP in C to SWAP (interchange) 2 numbers without using third variable
- WAP in C to SWAP (interchange) three numbers
- WAP in C to Calculate the remainder of 2 numbers without using % operator
- WAP in C to calculate the sum of digits of 3-Digit number
- WAP in C to merge three numbers
- WAP in C to print the reverse of a 3-digit number
- WAP in C to calculate the real roots of the quadratic equation
- WAP in C to create a calculator to do arithmetic operations
- WAP in C to check whether a number input is even or odd
- WAP in C to print the maximum out of two numbers
- WAP in C to print the maximum out of three numbers
- WAP to print the maximum out of four numbers (Short logic)
- WAP in C to print the second maximum out of three numbers
- WAP in C to check whether a year is a leap year or not
- WAP in C to calculate the grade of student when user puts marks
- WAP in C to Compute the pension of an employee
- WAP in C to check whether a 3-digit number is a magic number or not
- WAP in C to determine whether the year is Leap or Not Using && and ||
- WAP to determine whether Character Entered is capital letter,small letter
- WAP in C to Check leap year or not using conditional operators
- WAP in C to Print the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..N
- WAP in C that gets temperatures of week & calculate average tempr for that week
- Wap in C that prints a multiplication chart (from 1*1 to 9*9)